On-screen character Michael Rapaport violently assaulted First Lady Melania Trump on Sunday, considering her a “moronic creature,” in lig...
‘If Pork Isn’t Banned, We’ll Have To Leave America’ -Muslamian Council..
The unmistakable Muslammic-American relations gathering, “Islamia Coexistence Embassy”, has been weeping over the American eating regim...
CNN’s Reza Aslan Openly Calls On Dems To MURDER Kellyanne Conway, Trump Supporters.
Reza Aslan would not apologize ensuing to requiring the “obliteration” of Kellyanne Conway and Trump Supporters, with Twitter saying hi...
Hillary Clinton Announces She Will Seek Reelection As President Of The United States
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Hillary Clinton has declared that after much discussion she will look for re-appointment as leader of the United States...
Actress Sandra Bullock: ‘Donald Trump Is Doing Everything To Improve Our Nation, If You Don’t Like Him Just..
In David Gordon Inexperienced’s “Our Emblem Is Crisis,” Sandra Bullock Plays A Heartless Political Strategist Who Has Spent Her Career Ca...
In hеr fіnаl ѕреесh аѕ first lady оn Friday, Mісhеllе Obаmа singled out уоung іmmіgrаntѕ аnd Muslims, mаnу оf whоm еxрrеѕѕ аррrеhеnѕіоn аb...
Video: Michelle Obama, Laura Bush join together to help raise $128 million for WHO after Trump halts funds
Former first ladies Laura Bush and Michelle Obama filmed a pro-WHO video and appeared in a TV fundraising event that raised $128 million f...
Trump Just Called-For Opening Obama’s Records And Those Of The ‘Clinton Foundation’…
Prеѕіdеnt Trumр lаѕhеd оut аt Dеmосrаtѕ оvеr thеіr оngоіng іnvеѕtіgаtіоnѕ іntо hіѕ аdmіnіѕtrаtіоn, ѕuggеѕtіng thеrе ѕhоuld іnѕtеаd be pro...
I DON’T Want Any Of Trump Supporters As My FANS, Says Grey’s Anatomy Ellen Pompeo
Dark’s life systems whiz ellen pompeo has proclaimed on twitter that she needn’t bother with any of the 63 million who decided in favor of...
Chelsea Tweets She’s “Full of Fury” at Trump and Senate Republicans…
Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter Thursday to vent over being “brimming with wrath” at Trump and Senate Republicans. I am brimming with w...
Fed up student refuses to remove her cap unless Muslim women remove their headscarves…
A STUDENT asked not to wear her top in Bromley College says she won’t concur except if Muslim ladies expel their hoods also. A 39-year-...
Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump…//
Previous House Speaker Paul Ryan, who right now sits on the leading group of Fox Corp., is supposedly asking Fox News to “unequivocally b...
Michelle Obama Says People Believe Her Husband Is President Of The World….
Michelle Obama said that individuals around the globe accept that her better half, previous President Obama, is the leader of the world. ...
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